Sunday, August 20, 2017

Against the Crowd Blogathon 2017: Day 6 Recap

The 2017 edition of the Against the Crowd Blogathon rolls towards its conclusion. However, it's not quite over. You still have today to get your entry in. For those who happen to stumble across this post and are wondering what this is all about, it's about something you probably already do. Simply put, just write about one movie you hate that everyone else loves and one you love that everyone else hates. For the complete rules and to find out how to participate, click here. Remember, time is running out...

Yesterday, my co-host, KG of KG's Movie Rants joined the fun. In his post, he derailed a movie about a train and gave the green light to one about cars.

Ted from Just a Cineast can't stand a beloved Peter Sellers film, but is happy as a jack-rabbit with a lightly regarded 70s horror flick.

Now, go finish up your entry!


  1. This was great fun Dell as always. Enjoyed reading and commenting on all the different entries. I even found a couple of titles to try....and several too avoid! Thanks to you and KG for hosting.
