Monday, August 21, 2017

Against the Crowd Blogathon 2017: Day 7 Recap and Wrap-Up

The 2017 edition of the Against the Crowd Blogathon is officially in the books. The fact that any of you chose to take part makes this a success. That a number of you are returnees to my yearly party makes it an astounding success. Some of you have now entered every year of this blogathon's existence. That makes this successful beyond anything I could imagine back in 2014.

I can't go any further without thanking my co-host for the second year running, KG of KG's Movie Rants. If you only know him as my co-host, you are missing out. As I've said many times before, on my blog and his, he is an intelligent, thoughtful, and insightful writer with a passion for film. Give his blog a visit.

Thanks again to all of you for taking part. Whether you have or have not, please click on all the links and take a look at the excellent entries that make up this year's crop:


  1. Thank you for another Against the Crowd Blog-a-thon. I don't know if I'll do another next year. I'm running out of films to think of as I had to make a serious change for this year's.

    1. Thanks for doing it again! I hope you can find something for next year. Maybe you'll see something between now and then that qualifies.

  2. Thank you so much for hosting this ! Always a pleasure to bitch about Baby Driver and perv over Hugh

    1. Always a pleasure reading it, so thank you!
