Sunday, November 20, 2016

Girl Week 2016 Starts Tomorrow!

Hey there, dear readers.

First, I want to thank those of you who have helped keep this place running and have apparently been digging through my vaults and reading older pieces as the amount of new content around this place has slowed tremendously over the last few weeks.

However, we're about to pick things up this week as Monday kicks off Girl Week 2016. I will have a new post every day this week. Here, on this site, I'll have some help from a friend to provide a different voice than mine on occasion. Hopefully, you guys will give me some help by joining in with posts on your sites. I'm excited to see what happens this week!

Since I had to pause what I was working on to type this up, I'm going to stop right so I can get back to it. See you back here, tomorrow!

Oh, before I forget, for details on how to join...


  1. My post is up:

    My plan is to get at least another 2 to you during the course of this week. Will keep you posted though. I'll also update my links to your site if and when you have a "live" version of the Blogathon.

    Thanks for hosting! Been good fun!

    1. Thanks! Looking forward to the rest of your posts. I'll have links throughout the week. I also plan to have a full wrap up on next Monday.

    2. Hi's my next one:

      This is so much fun! I have a few more in mind...will send you as many as I can.

  2. Here you are:

    Not sure if Kat "qualifies" as the lead protagonist for Girl Week. Feel free to leave her out if she doesn't quite work. No obligation to put her on your list at all. I won't feel offended.

    So, I have two more in mind and work/time permitting will get them to you in the next few days.

    1. To be honest, I've never seen 10 Things I Hate About You, so I'm not qualified to say. I'll trust your judgement and leave her in.

  3. Hi...Apologies for all the "separate" comments but just can't seem to Reply. is one more:

    I'll try (big TRY) for one more post this weekend. There are soooo many ladies to write about and so little time. Although, I'm hoping for Girl Week 2017 (nudge, nudge, wink, wink) so I can join your awesome Blogathon again!

    1. No problem on the separate comments. I'm glad they keep coming.

      Girl Week 2017 is most certainly in the plans.
