Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday Movie Picks: Superhero Movies

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Thursday Movie Picks!

If you're not familiar with this weekly meme, click over to Wanderer's site at Wandering Through the Shelves for all the details. The basic rundown is that she picks a theme and a bunch of us bloggers suggest three corresponding movies for your viewing pleasure. This week's theme, obviously, superhero movies. They're everywhere over the last few years and we're getting many more over the next decade. Guess what. I've still got my shovel out and digging deep for you. With that, here are my picks (chronological)...

Meteor Man
Let's take Superman and drop him into the middle of a gang war. That's essentially Meteor Man. Robert Townsend is our titular hero gets his powers after he's hit by a green meteorite. Yup, he can fly. In fact, he can do everything the Man of Steel can do plus a few new tricks. For instance, he can absorb all of book's content by touching the cover. Now he's gotta put it all together and try to make those powers work for cleaning up the neighborhood.

Imagine Bruce Wayne if he were a childish genius, oblivious to the fact that the city around him is having some serious issues with crime. That's pretty much Blankman in a nutshell. Here, our hero takes it upon himself to become a crime-fighter after his grandmother has been killed. It's a movie that is too silly not to laugh at with a wonderfully stupid turn by Damon Wayans...Sr...guess we have to say that, now. By the way, this isn't just some makeshift costume Blankman starts out with. This is it, baby!

Confessions of a Superhero
My first two picks are both rather ridiculous superhero comedies. Now, we're going to take a trip into the land of the pathetic. This documentary explores several people who make their living dressed as superheroes on the world-famous Hollywood Walk of Fame. Their entire livelihood rests on the kindness of strangers willing to take a picture with them and tip them for the pleasure. Is it pathetic they have this job? No. What's pathetic is how much of these individuals' self-worth is tied to the character they play every day. Hanging with these guys is a fascinating ride.


  1. Meteor Man was OK though I had a hard time thinking that Robert Townshend as a superhero. Blankman was funny though. Confessions of a Superhero is the only one in that list I haven't seen.

    1. I hear ya on Robert Townsend, but iirc he wrote and directed so...yeah, we were stuck with him.

  2. Once again, you surprise me with your picks. It also kinda baffles me how I never heard these (seem) fun films.

    1. Thanks. Love introducing people to new stuff.

  3. I've never seen nor heard of any of these films, so great picks! That's one thing I definitely love about your blog. I'm always finding new things.

  4. Oh good, I talked about the documentary as well. Really compelling, and a little sad.

    1. Compelling and a little sad is right. More than a little sad, actually.

  5. I've heard of, but have never seen, your first two...but that last one fascinates me in a serious way and I really want to see it now!

    I also love the hell out of your banner this week!

    1. It's an interesting doc, especially when dealing with the guy who plays Superman. Thanks!

  6. I enjoyed Meteor Man in its silly way. I haven't seen Blankman nor the doc but it sounds intriguing in a sad way.

    1. Yes, the doc is very intriguing in a sad way. Blankman is just dumb fun spoofing superheroes.

  7. Not gonna lie haven't heard of single one of these. However, Confessions of a Superhero sounds interesting, I was in LA about six months ago and I confess I remember thinking "don't talk to me, don't talk to me, don't talk to me" when seeing these caped crusaders.

    1. Lol. Never been to LA, but I could imagine the scene. It definitely plays out often in Confessions. Hope you check it out.

  8. Wow. Meteor Man and Blankman... talk about a blast from the past! I remember those ads, although I never saw the movies. Confessions of a Superhero looks like something worth seeking out!

  9. The only one I've seen on your list this week is Blankman, which I recall being cheesy but enjoyable. I can't say I'm really interested in seeing the other two. Nice list this week.

    Mike's Cinema

    1. The best thing about Blankman is that it's cheesy on purpose.

  10. It's funny because I absolutely hated Blankman, but I really do enjoy Meteor Man. And it's not because I have something against the Wayans because I was a fan of In Living Color back then. I don't think it helped that Handi-Man wasn't one of my favorite sketches on that show. And Confessions of a Superhero really is fascinating, and you're surprisingly not the only person that mentioned it.

    1. Hated Blankman? I guess nobody's perfect, lol. Confessions really is fascinating. I was going for a totally unique post this week, but some assholes ruined it. ;)

    2. I just realized a unique direction I could have taken the list, and went with all documentaries. I've actually seen a handful. Legends of the Knight is an amazing one, see it for sure if you haven't yet. Stan Lee's Monsters, Mutants, and Marvels is a great interview with him by Kevin Smith, and Superhero Me is a really funny low budget documentary comedy about a guy who decides to make himself a superhero.

    3. I have seen the Stan Lee one, but not the other two. They both sound interesting. I'll be on the lookout.

  11. Love the photo you've got on here, Dell! Great picks of lesser-known films, I've been curious about Confessions of a Superhero. I didn't participate this week but two of non DC/Marvel ones I'd pick would be The Rocketeer and Unbreakable.

    1. Thanks! Unbreakable is awesome. Still haven't seen The Rocketeer.
